"Great course thank you!"
H.T. HKA, Excel Level 3
"Great course, look forward to Level 3"
J.H. Lighthouse Poole, Excel Level 2
"I always find training on Teams quite difficult, but I really enjoyed this one and felt that I gained a lot from it."
S. HMP Isle of Wight, Minute Taking
"Well presented. Kept everyone engaged throughout."
K.H. Alnwick Medical Group, Coaching and Mentoring
"[The trainer] was super patient, kept going over areas and answered all our weird and wonderful questions."
S.P. Impact International, Excel Level 2
"The full course was interesting and valuable "
J.A. Cirrus Environmental Soultions Ltd, Customer Care
"I thought [the trainer] was very patient and helped the less able candidates on our course ie me! Thank you."
C.L. South Tyneside Sunderland NHSFT, Excel Level 2
Following this training what are you going to do differently
"Going to be automating POs into a folder for the planner who can then update once they've been planned."
J.W. IPL Global, Microsoft Forms Essentials in Office 365
Following this training what are you going to do differently
"Perform the majority of data manipulation within Power BI rather than within the data source itself."
C.L. Paragon Customer Communications, Microsoft Power BI Desktop
"First team's training session wasn't sure what to expect. Great facilitator, excellent handouts and an inspiring way to train.Thank you."
S. , Excel Level 1
Which part of the course did you find particularly valuable
"Pretty much all of it multiple takeaways, and really helpful hints and tips"
C. V4 Services Ltd, Microsoft Teams in Office 365 Essentials
"It has given me the confidence to start a spreadsheet from scratch again rather than copying and amending other peoples."
J.R. Yorwaste, Excel Level 3
Which part of the course did you find particularly valuable
"Knowledge on different scenarios. Knowledge from the trainer. Ability to be more confident at work."
T.W. Cirrus Environmental Solutions Ltd, HR Essentials
Which part of the course did you find particularly valuable
"As a new user to Power BI I found the whole course really valuable but Stuart's explaining of the 7 steps to setting up a report was especially valuable."
J.H. NHSBSA, Microsoft Power BI Desktop
Which part of the course did you find particularly valuable
"It was all new skills for me, so I found the whole course valuable."
D.W. Deepocean, Microsoft Project Essentials